
       Brecht frammenti


A theatre laboratory by Fabio Cherstich

The project, coordinated Valentina Garavaglia, tutor of the Workshop on stage professions at the IULM in Milano, addressed to students enrolled in Communication, Public relations and Marketing and the Art, design and performance Department was born with the aim of offering students a first-hand experience in the world of theatre through the creation of a mise-en-espace in one of the most prestigious theatre halls in Milan, the Teatro Franco Parenti, with the participation of students attending the professional acting course of the Centro Teatro Attivo.

The show presents a selection of frames taken from the original work by Brecht on which IULM students worked considering directing perspectives under the supervision of Fabio Cherstich. The production develops through a choral actor and director practice which finds expression through a performative language centred on physicality and an elaborate vocal score. The staging is the natural result of a training program which blends knowledge and know-how, that sets root within the University to blossom in the direct experience of the stage and its production process.



Production: Teatro Franco Parenti
Show realised by the Accademia di Formazione per Attori of Centro Teatro Attivo
in collaboration with Laboratorio sui Mestieri del Teatro della Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM e cta

Video by: Elena Busco, Aisling Lenti, Francesco Sileo
Video by: Edmondo Riccardo Annoni, Elena Busco, Martina Civardi, Francesco Sileo
Video by: Edmondo Riccardo Annoni, Elena Busco, Aisling Lenti.